Thursday, January 27, 2011

In Da' Club

 It amazes me that some drunk, mad, fat, ghetto-ass, hood rat, bitches (Not to be confused with Black women) think that just because they are trying to throw ptussy at a man that he is supposed to try to catch it.

 While these women imagine themselves looking something like this,
All most men see is this.


  1. rough night huh?

    {mebbe you gone have to go on a club consulting sabbatical for a minute or two...,}

  2. That artificial self-esteem is a Mfer ain't it. I get the you must talk to white women when I really am not into a quarter-pounder!

    Most guys see them as a chubby guinea pig but try to take the high road. If most people were telling the truth the obese would know to get in shape.

    Send them to California! We'll show them that no one and I mean no one is chasing after a quarter-pounder on the verge of a heart attack.

  3. @ SeeNew - Man... these clubs have been doing great. I'm not really a 'people person' I'm just good at faking it.
    But yeah... Imma' bout to take a break unless something more challenging comes up.

    @ FreeMan - On THAT side of the bar I can be more honest on THIS side I gotta' pretend to give them hope.
    It's like being a movie star - I gotta' let them think that they have a chance.

  4. One thing I have learned being a skinny white bitch is that only a few men find my look attractive so I can extrapolate that for very chubby women of any color there will also be some men that find them attractive...and some women too!

  5. DF..WTF??
    Ok, I "get" that you don't like fat girls, I'm not exactly attracted to 600 pound men my damn self..but calling us Quarter Pounders is some really ugly shit.
    I also "get" that you, in your own special way, want the world to be a healthier place - dying from a massive heart attack isn't cute, I know.
    But from the numerous comments that you make on here, it seems like that term is your favorite battle cry...calm down already, it isn't a fat girl's mission in life to hop on YOUR particular brand of dick.

  6. @LInka72 - Don't get this confused like I have a personal vendetta. Fat women have done nothing to me at all.

    With all that being said I hate that people try to be gentle with a BIG problem (pun intended). If you saw a man who had every other tooth missing but dressed and smelled nice it wouldn't cover up his piano mouth right? Well all the perfume and fishnet cannot hide the fat issue.

    I just choose to speak more frank that's all. We need to stop acting like someone is attracted to that when they're not. If the man with the piano teeth has to get fake teeth then the woman with a obesity problem needs to take her own drastic measures.

  7. @ MissAJ - I like em fit - that's all. Not model skinny (nice to look at but there's not much to work with) and not Mo'Nique fat. But many guys like model thin and many like Sherri Sheppard big.
    I just favor some muscle tone or maybe someone who looks juicy.
    But a flat stomach is pretty high on my list.
