Wednesday, January 19, 2011

How High?

 Yeah, we used to wear our pants low - but we were broke.
We'd pull our pants down because we didn't want to be seen as 'flooding'.
You remember... back when you'd outgrow your pants before they would wear out.
 Unlike Micheal - we just didn't want our socks to show
But then designer draws hit the scene.
Not only were low-slung pants acceptable - they were desirable.
How else would everyone be able to tell that you're wearing Calvins? 
 The antecedent to this trend were the high-waisted Z. Cavaricci's.
The 80's were just some strange days as far as fashion goes.
 And don't even get me started on the Shimmel Shirt.
Sure, on a girl with a flat stomach they looked nice.
Worn under a jersey they were acceptable.
But when guys started wearing shirts that looked like a Rent Boy's version of a woman's halter-top - I think we took fashion too far.
And don't even get me started on back when we used to wear Daisy Dukes.
Sagging Pants? Relax.
It ain't that serious - it's only fashion.


  1. The 70's took it a bit too far. I remember this Jordache metrosexual look when I watched Porkys!

  2. Saggin on guys aside, my high school was plagued with girls wearing those onesie, snap underneath, body suits with baggy pants slung low so the top of the hips would peak out over the belt.

    Hated it.

  3. When I was in high school, I was a cheerleader, and I was on the cheerleading squad for one reason and one reason ONLY: to be near the good lookin' basketball jock-studs and the good lookin' football jock- studs. A lot of them wore the shimmel shirts, and they ALL wore shorts that didn't leave much to the imagination! And why SHOULDN'T they have? They wanted to show the girls what they had, and we girls went for it in a BIG wayB! These guys were good-lookin' and they KNEW it! That's why they had the confidence to wear shirts like this. They had great bodies and they showed it. I was in high school in the early 80s, and I got to know a lot of guys who looked like the hot guy in this photo. He could do what he wanted with me. Laugh if you want, but it's what we girls WANTED the good lookin' jock studs to wear. And eventually take off, ALONG with their little tight shorts that were so revealing, showing us their great lookin' athletic bodies. And hopefully they'd take us to the local budget motel and we'd have a little fun all night! I had a little bit of action with guys like the guy in the photo, and I'll never forget it- EVER!

    - Felicia M.
