Thursday, January 20, 2011


What is 'Charisma' and why do some people have it while others only desire it?
The term is translated as, 'favored by/gift of/from God'.
If this is the case, can such a trait be learned or only earned?

Leaders from Jesus Christ to Adolf Hitler were said to have had charismatic personalities.
So, this 'gift from God' could be used for either good or evil?
Many celebrities are said to possess this trait - but are they only capable of exhibiting such traits while they're performing?
Some individuals have been popular since preschool and cool since kindergarten - are these people naturally charismatic?
Many today call this trait 'having game'.

But this trait often incites jealousy from those who only wish to be readily liked and accepted.
It's not always the richest person, he who is the strongest, he who is the best looking, he who is the smartest (Which is often the opposite of being charismatic.), or he who is the best at what he does - but these may help.
Often, those who are the best at what they do but not recognized as such become envious of those who seem to get things without effort.

The odd thing is - many charismatic people don't care about or even enjoy being easily liked by others.
The charismatic man is often respected even by his enemies.
Some hide in out of the way places in an attempt to hide their talents.
Some pretend to be less than they are.
Others only attempt that which they know they will fail. (But he often simultaneously succeeds in other pursuits in which he has no interest without seeming to put forth much effort.)
But this never works - the kingly is easily recognized as a king by the population of proles.
The humble man is elevated by God.

Are some truly blessed by God and destined to succeed regardless of his conditions, status or environment?


  1. It's called Hanbledzoin Uncle John.

    Not many who have it work very diligently to cultivate it, and those who are morally upright, and know they have it abundantly, are often compelled to forswear its abuse. Others simply abuse it and that almost inevitably ends badly for them and for those who fall under its sway. (I took a vow to forswear avocational public speaking when I was 25 and have only recently reached a point where I feel I've accumulated enough knowledge and information to make my public pronouncements useful as well as compelling)

  2. Yes, unless something catastrophic happens there are those will rise despite humble or horrible beginnings.

    Charisma is just a internal value system that others cannot figure out. The willingness is the key trait and that's why others can't put their hand on it. That's why people admire the hidden talent to go despite the odds or despite the lack of talents and physical gifts.

    You hid them because you get tired of fighting weak people who only want to take your shine when you didn't even polish up your game. I remember I was in NY fresh from LA at a social event and this idiot from Brooklyn came up to me and said whatever you have I'm going to take it. I was ready to break his jaw but I asked what was that about. He said all the girls in the social event seemed to be interested in me.

    Now I thought here we go with the cornball but I told him I'm from LA so of course I look, talk and walk different so I'm just interesting but it'll fade. When you run into these things over and over like I do you try all the ways of mitigating the envy but alas you just shutup and disassociate from the hate.
