Thursday, January 27, 2011

Don't Hate

People travel from all over the world to visit Los Angeles and many of those from a younger generation would not consider their visit complete without a stop at Roscoe's Chicken and Waffles.
Apparently Flava Flav has a good chicken recipe which he will use to launch his own chain of chicken restaurants.
While some wanna'-be bourgeoisie Negroes condemn Mr. Drayton as setting Blacks back 100 years - why knock the man's hustle?
Some are upset that by using his own image that it too closely resembles an old Black Sambo from half a century ago. (The man can't help his looks.)
He has the experience and financing.
It's an honest way to make money.
He's providing a service.
If I ever go to Iowa (Not likely) - I'll get some flavorful chicken.
To everyone making an issue out of a guy trying to make a living doing what he knows how to do - STFU.


  1. Hmm. Interesting point you make. If the hustle involves dealing in tropes that, like it or not, have ...frustrating connotations for people, do you have any responsibility to repackage your product. And/or if the powers that be look for packaging that rehashes old tropes because they think it's easier or more "authentic," should you give in to ultimately change things or keep fighting against it with some, but maybe less noticeable success.

    Might take this issue up on my own blog.

  2. Man you can call it hating if you like, but really?
    Go watch one episode of Flavor of Love... how do you clean up after that?

  3. I don't know what anybody sees in this guy with all those crazy get ups he wears! LOL! But he does seem like a really nice person!

    Best of luck to him in his new endeavor!

  4. UBJ, I agree. Plus, he has a whole hell of a lot of children to support..let him make that money.

  5. He just fits the stereotype down to the T! I'm sure any other group would respond in kind if one of their own represented the worst of their race.

    Damn! does he have to put his face on the chicken bucket and signage? Isn't Flava Flav enough....

    By the way today I saw some cigar rolling papers with Notorious B.I.G image on the box. They were on sale in Tuscon AZ at a damn Circle K in the middle of buttfuck Arizona.

    Another reason why Black folks want to stop the buffonery cuz these dumbfucks will do anything to make money.

  6. @ MissOreo - I'll get back to you...

    @ brohammas - By opening a Chicken Joint.

    @ Desretflower - He was in PUBLIC ENEMY, that should have been enough.
    But he parlayed that into a string of reality shows and now a chicken joint.
    What else is he supposed to do - become a surgeon?

    @ Linka - And make it honsetly.

    @ FreeMan - But he knows the business. A better font and an upscale name would not improve the value of his brand. He knows what he is and he's using that to make a living.

    @ KhmerG ay - Um... let me think about it.
