Monday, January 10, 2011

As Malcolm Said...

 Or Chaucer a few centuries earlier.
The recent shootings by an inadequate (C'mon... how can a guy be rejected by the military... during a time of war? How can a guy get kicked out of community college?) entitlement driven (These shootings are just an adult temper tantrum.) spoiled suburban kid next door are just the latest symptoms of a belief system that is fighting to remain relevant.
The impetus for Jared Lougher's actions may or may not have been the current polemical rhetoric being cavalierly tossed around by much of today's popular media.
But there is probably a more simple answer.
The dude is a bitch.
He probably didn't get his ass whipped enough by his dad as a kid.
He probably never received enough hugs from his mother.
When no one paid any attention to the guy, he acted out like a spoiled insecure brat.
When he couldn't compete with others, he sought to eliminate them.
Violence in a culture predicated on violence is no surprise - in fact it should be expected.
Like chickens coming home to roost.


  1. Hmmm... not so sure here. From what I can see this dude was straight up nuts. You don't get straight up nuts from being overly coddled, or icked on. Maybe...MAYBE, he was beat by pops and some screws got knocked loose, or possibly he took a little somethin that fried the circuits, or, he's medically crazy.

    I've known some social nut jobs and while their views were stupid, at least their sentence structure made some sort of sense.
    Reading this guys stuff is like trying to figure out what ODB was talking about.

  2. Just wait....
    Things will get worse.
    Too many people think that they should always have everything their way and they want it NOW.
    As the culture shifts - those who cannot adapt will resort to acts such as this.

  3. Yep I have to agree with UBJ. When things get bad those who can't cope seem to make it worse by resulting to even crazier points of view and associations. Maybe the answer will be to flood their communities with drugs to pacify the angry masses.
