Sunday, December 12, 2010

Even Down Under?

 Sure she can get the best of the Texas Beef Producers, make billions of dollars and buy her OWN network, and even help get a Black guy elected as POTUS.
But when shop keepers in Australia recently decided to remove their popular Golly dolls from the shelves as not to offend her on her walkabout down-under (Do they look too much like her character in The Color Purple?) - the girl's got power.

(Now... if she could only get through the doors of Hermes....)


  1. This reminds me of a scene in Sugar Hill. When the brother comes to talk to the Old Italain guy and he says I never called you a Ni99a!

    Is it a sign of respect that when you come around people stop talking about you but as soon as you leave they call you racist names.

    Australia is a very racist country but when Darkie comes to town let's put away all of the mamee dolls. LMBAO...

    Respect is not because people refrain from saying what they truly believe. If I was Oprah I would make a expose on the bigots and make sure people know who you are dealing with.

  2. Oprah can go to Hermes, she just needs to show up during business hours.
