Monday, November 8, 2010


Okay, I'll play along.
No hard feelings.
BCS Standings
1 Oregon - Beat a woeful Washington
2 Auburn - Will lose to the girls from rival 'Bama

3 TCU - Beat some team who had no place being mentioned as a serious contender.
4 Boise St. - Should win-out.
5 LSU - Beat the girls from 'Bama. (Another team from the SEC?)
6 Stanford - Another Pac-10 team?
7 Wisconsin - Should suffer another loss this season.
8 Nebraska - Won't win their conference.
9 Ohio State - Another Big-10 Team?
10 Oklahoma St. - Another Big-12 team?

Besides TCU and Boise State, it seems that the Party Crashers are being eliminated.
Power conferences (Big 10, Pac-10, SEC and Big 12) still dominate.
But I'm still taking this year (and maybe next) to just enjoy the games without rooting for the USC Trojans.


  1. @ brohammas - Aren't you a bishop?
    Isn't there a story of pride coming before a fall?

  2. Yes, and the wicked take the truth to be hard.
