Monday, November 22, 2010

60 Dimensions ?

 If we are only able to measure five percent of our universe - what of the remaining 95%?
Maybe our 5% is all that we are currently able to comprehend (or 'see').
While the universe may in fact be infinite - our 5% may be all that we need to see in order to comprehend the universe as a whole.
Maybe our current three dimensions act in the same way as a two-dimensional holographic image contains all the information needed to project a three-dimensional image.
 But how can only 5% be infinite?
Imagine an infinite number of fish.
Now count the scales on these fish.
Which is a greater number?
Are there more fish or more scales?
Since each is still infinite - are they not still the same number?
 Even when we measure the known universe there seems to be areas of greater mass or density.
Maybe these can be explained as areas where our known (or perceived) part of the universe overlaps another unknown part of the universe.
 If our three dimensions only enables us to see 5% of the universe - would 20x3 give us the whole universe?
If we are just the mean of all dimensions of the universe - maybe there are as many (or more than) sixty dimensions.
Maybe these inconsistencies in our universe are the points where more (or less) dimensions overlap.
If the spiral is the model used for our known Universe - is there another fractal which we cannot see that is the model for another dimension of the universe?

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