Monday, October 25, 2010


 Working at clubs for such a long time, I've become disinterested in women who dress like hookers.
I see the look so much that I associate this style with being a silly and drunken trollop.
 My preference is for women who dress more conservatively.
But I never notice conservative and basic flats on a woman.

 What will always catch my eye is a very high heel, or an avant garde design.
 The more 'hooker' the better.
 Even if done conservatively, the 'hooker' look is always sexy.
 Even if the look is more urban than urbane - I love high heels on a woman.
 Even though I've been through my stage of dating/doing strippers - I still like the look of their shoes.
(most of these images were jacked from; )
Val ( ) said that she liked these shoes.
My comment that I liked 'hooker' shoes seemed to get the side-eye.
I'm sure there are some influences from my youth which direct my preferences.
But I have no idea what these could be.
All I know is that I like 'Hooker Boots". 


  1. How about the woman who dresses conservatively but under that has on the hooker blue spider woman leather.

    I'm an old school cat keep it respectable and let me be surprised. Man I never paid attention to any woman and her shoes to tell you the truth.

  2. Yeah... AT HOME I like the Spidey dress as well - just not in public.

    I like design.
    Clothes, furniture, buildings, shoes...

  3. When we first moved to Philly my wife came home newly amazed and educated. She had just been shopping next to a woman in a full burqua, complete with gloves and everything. This woman had just dropped big cash on lotsa clothes. My wife asked what gives and she said she likes to dress nice underneath.

    Maybe she had on hooker shoes?
