Monday, October 18, 2010

Dark Is Good

Quick, describe "Chocolate"... .
Words like; "Deep", "Dark" or "Rich" come to mind?
Now describe "Vanilla"...
I'm waiting...
Vanilla - adj. - 2. Lacking adornments or special features; basic or ordinary
So why do so many Blacks feel bad about being Black?


  1. Yeah but if you check the definitions for White and Black in the dictionary you'll get some crazy racist stuff.

  2. Yeah, but if you choose to live by a definition determined by others you will get some crazy racist stuff.

  3. Ahh Vanilla. A scent so tantalizing. Warm, subtle, rapturous....and from a dark pod

  4. People want to be put on a pedestal but since we are a group of victims we feel disheartened when another group doesn't see us as special.

    We want validation and that's the key reason why most folks don't like theirselves. Once you remove validation from others you create self-esteem in yourself but that's too hard of a road to travel for most so they wait to get one Black on CSI to feel better.

  5. @ amanda - That's the point. People need to be able to find the good in themselves instead of being so concerned with what's wrong with others.

    @ FeeMan - I think most people are living in fear.
    Fear of living,
    fear of dying,
    fear of failure,
    fear of trying.

  6. Hey I like that I'm going to have to use that on my nephew.

    I know Black folks are scared of something alright but no one can identify exactly the root cause of the fear. Maybe people are scared to find out exactly what they are scared of. Which just leads to a never-ending grip of fear which is probably what most of us are dealing with inside.

  7. there is also fear of success so that many of us sabotage our ability to out perform ourselves.

  8. I like your thinking on this UBJ. I'm not black, I'm chocalate!
