Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weak and Dumb

Why is it that a weak person will exercise to become stronger -
but a dumb person will rarely study to become smarter?


  1. the weak person knows he's weak via physical strength, fear, etc.

    the dumb person often has no clue he's dumb. therefore, no need to obtain any further knowledge...sad but true.

  2. I like Roschelle's response.. I was going on the angle of one is noticeable instantly and the other takes time and unless they strike it rich no one will care. Maybe it's they are motivated by what others will think of them instead of what they think of theirselves.

  3. @Freeman

    I think you nailed it Freeman. It is sad that people will go down with a sinking ship just because all of the other people they know told them that was the way that it is done. Everybody else is going down with the ship so I guess it's cool and I'll die with all the rest of the lemmings

  4. Good point brohammas - if the hot women liked smart guys - more guys would be smart.

  5. Hahaha, apart from girls, it's harder to become smart than it is to become buff, there's no cure for dumb Hulksters.
