Sunday, September 26, 2010

Is Gay Sex Gay

 The Bible says that some men are born eunuchs, does this imply that some men are born gay?
Chimerism, Mosaicism and Hermaphroditism are all scientifically recognized states - do these play a part in ones sexual identity or preference?
Can a gay man who abstains from sex still be gay?
Sure, Eddie Long is purported to have had sex with underage boys - wouldn't this just make him a pedophile who is also gay?
 Some from an older generation believed that boys who were babied or raised mostly by women would begin to show traits more common among women.
But are these traits learned and unlearned - like learning to stand up to pee instead of following the lead of mothers who sit?
Are prisoners really gay - or are they just acting on natural impulses with the next best available option?

 I don't know whether RuPual is gay - all I know is that he dresses like a woman.
Does dressing like a woman make one gay?
Dwight is every gay stereotype made true.
Is this the only gay man which we can come to a consensus on as far as "What is Gay"?


  1. I don't know brother. I just don't know; but I know one things for sure. If it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck, then it's a duck.

    My father died 17 years ago. But before he passed away I remember having a conversation with him once where he said that today's lines are all blurry and when he was a boy things were more concrete. He said that when he was a boy and a male wore an earring, you knew what he was.

    Lines just aren't that simple anymore.

  2. Wow UBJ, Chimerism, Masiacism! you sent me searching! and I learned something new. And I think Dwight is wonderful!!!

  3. HEre is what I say, and where all this fluff frustrates me...
    liking purses is not gay.
    A man having sex with a man is gay.

    There is a difference between style and mannerism, and homosexual acts.

    I think many in the religious sphere get this all mixed up. If dude wants to wear high heals... I may not like it but so what. Do your thing sir.
    On the other hand, for those who espouse Christianity, sexual acts are strictly regulated... homo or hetero.
    Its those acts, oit the sequens, that should be at issue.

  4. I totally agree. While we're on the topic of what's not gay or gay, check out this video I saw on YouTube which pokes fun at gay stereoptypes in the media.

  5. God created male and female and not Gays...m sorry but that is the way it is .

  6. I'm sorry but last time i checked,the bible it said God created everyone equal.And there is no thing as a small or a big sin.Sin is sin and we all need to ask for forgiveness in the end.So before you want to go all what God said about gays go and read your bible.
