Saturday, September 4, 2010

Endless Possibilities

Some people are consumers,
others creators,
and still others destroyers.
Most people are a varied combination of all three.
But as an artist can look at a blank canvas and see what is not yet there - people in need of progress must be able to see what does not exist. (Yet.)
This 'faith' is required for all who wish to break through barriers, change the rules or define their own being.


  1. as an artist I have never looked at a nblank canvas and seen anything but blank. the canvass holds no inspiration. I simply see pictures in my head and then try to find a surface to put them on.

    Those images are frustratingly unclear in my head so I have to put them on something (like canvas) to get a good look at them.

    Sometimes plywood is a better surface.

    I'm sure this isnt really the discussion you intended.

  2. So for the person who doesn't see the canvas as opportunity what can they do? Sell CANVASES right?

    Possibilities are born through exposure and a gut feeling. Art is usually a gut feeling manifested. I just think for the type of gut feelings for those who are uninspired the canvas provided is not enough.

    Just because there's a opportunity doesn't necessarily translate into someone taking advantage of it. The element missing is the key and hell if I know what that element is at this point in my life... But, I'm working on finding it so we can stop using symbolism and song to inspire the uninspired.

  3. @ brohammas - How does one "see' pictures in their head?
    Can ones eyes see what's going on in ones imagination.

    @ FreeMan - Still, one can see a possibilty where others see none.
    For one person the blank canvas is a tool, for the other it is a commodity, for another it is something of no use to be thrown away.
    But yeah... I have yet to find what inspires volition myself - let alone learned how to teach it.
