Monday, August 9, 2010


It's a good thing when someone becomes so good and the measuring stick for excellence that doing poorly makes the national news.


  1. Hey the cat still made 35K just for showing up and then made the network a couple of millions just from people watching him mess up. He Still Got It!

  2. All he needs is six or seven trashy women in his life and he'll be back to being the old winning Tiger.

  3. I thought this dude hit rock bottom in his life (in terms of his public image and marketability), but this golf slump indicates that he is still falling.

  4. Ahhh leave the guy alone. He's just one Perkin's waitress away from finding his form again.

    Those threesomes and foursomes and fivesomes he was having with all the PWT he could find was keeping him in shape and kept his golf game going.

    Doesn't Brittany Spears or Anna Nicole Smith have a sister that Tiger can bang to get back in form?!?

  5. Mega Millions aside. Is it safe to say that Tiger Woods is a legitimate worst year ever candidate?
