Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Most people claiming to work for equality and wishing to be judged by their character don't really want equality and/or fair judgement at all..
What they really want is 'equalty' in their favor.


  1. Whuh? Man this sounds like something I would write then have to defend against the kumbaya attacks.

    Did a cop hog tie you or did someone call you boy or something UBJ?

  2. I'm in total agreement with this post UBJ. It's similar to the concept of someone being an intelligent person so long as they agree with me.

    By and large equality and fairness are based on a person's point of view. For instance a lot of folks don't think that its fair that their tax money is used to help those "free loaders" on welfare or unemployment until they themselves need public assistance or they lose their jobs.

  3. Equality and Diversity....

    This always makes me giggle, those useless policies aren't worth the paper they are written on.

    Besides, at some workplaces, it's one rule for some people (dependent on skin colour) and another rule for others. So what's equal about that?
