Thursday, July 29, 2010


Whatever happened to brushing, flossing and taking advantage of ones dental plan?
It seems that many cultures are embracing the practice of appearing better than they actually are.
Besides the style - is there really any difference between fake gold teeth and fake white teeth?
Doesn't each convey a certain amount of status within it's respective culture?


  1. No difference at all. One is accepted by all and one is accepted by a certain group. Both are one in the same it's just which one is more accepted.

  2. Yes there is. Fake white teeth usually aspire to imitate the exceptionally beautiful natural white teeth. And they are more about appearing healthy than appearing rich. Gold teeth are just... gross and tacky. The fake white teeth that are blindingly white are also considered tacky.

  3. I don't know John. I saw some brown teeth the other day that didn't exactly put a smile on my face. To top it off, they were in the mouth of a very pretty girl. She had a face like an angel with brown Summa teeth. You know, summa here and summa 'dere.

  4. I used to see a lot of gold teeth in New Orleans. Down there, they put their money where their mouth is.

  5. @ FreeMan - I think I'm getting over trying to help those who have less.
    To what are they supposed to aspire?
    Isn't their way of life their chosen way of life?
    Why should I tell them anything different?

    @ Anon. - The gold grills are meant to convey wealth.
    The fake white teeth are worse (IMO).
    Just when you think you've met someone with good hygene you find out that they only have a good dental plan.
    Come to think of it - maybe the good dental plan is also meant to convey a certain level of wealth.

    @ I still run into people with grillz down here.
    But yeah - brown teeth are a no-no.
    The fake whites are just good marketing on a potentially bad product.

  6. @ UBJ - You did what you could and gave what you had. I think that was more than enough.

    It's not your duty to take care of adults but I think it's all of our duty to make sure the kids don't become these kind of adults.

    We don't know what's in a kid and what they could possibly be but we know most adults are where they built themselves to be. So I'm ok with focusing on their children and servicing the adults as customers.

  7. @ FreeMan - Yeah... I think I have to go that route too.
    Kids need help but many adukts are beyond help.
