Saturday, July 10, 2010


Why would one wish to elongate the perceived shape of their head?
For some, a long alien shaped head is seen as being attractive.

In the movie Alien v Predator the Alien had the elongated head.

Ancient Incas used splints and straps to reshape the silhouette of their skulls.

This shape can also be seen in the headpiece worn by Osiris.

And the Pope.
And even Snookie.


  1. scroll down this thread and peep the images of african headshaping...,

    cranial elongation is the oldest known form of extreme body modification and it's dispersal crosses almost all cultural and ethnic boundaries.

    one'em thangs at makes you go hmmm.......,

  2. At an exhibition on Kimono it was the hair styling that fascinated me. The hair was so formally styled into intricate shapes raised high on the head.

  3. As I've said before; I wouldn't mind extending some head, but I don't want a long one.
