Monday, June 28, 2010


The South seems to have a disproportionate amount of STDs,
And of these Southern states - my area of Texas seems to have a high incidence of Syphilis.

One of the elderly blind women I check in on mentioned that many of the women, with whom she'd worked as a cleaning lady at the local university, were now also suffering from a loss of sight.
One of the women's daughters thought that the cleaning chemicals used on their old job was the cause.
This woman's daughter thought that she could bring some type of suit against the university.

But I talk to these ladies.
These ladies tell stories of hardships and struggles which led many to turn to prostitution as a means to earn a little extra money to better provide for their children.
These women never thought that they could get sick from these acts - but many are now blind and/or on the verge of senility.

Besides the chemicals used in cleaning products - what could cause blindness?
Sex + ? = Blindness.
After reviewing the Syphilis infection rates in or area (which are quite high), I thought that these women had been syphilitic for years but had never been treated.
After taking one of these elderly ladies to her doctor to be tested for STDs, I found out that she was indeed positive for Syphilis.
(She's still blind but she no longer tests positive for the disease.)

But the other ladies were/are too ashamed to get tested.
Their daughters, sons and grandchildren are too ashamed to force them to be tested.
In the end -the fear and ignorance of these women may have been the cause of their current conditions.


  1. What the?
    The surprising thing here isnt a bunch of old ladies wth STD's, its that someone actually talks to old ladies. Most of us just sort of nod our heads and say uh-huh, not hearing a thing.

  2. f'realz dood....,

    This level of engagement and the results you've obtained are extraordinary and to be commended.

  3. I think you need to make a documentary of your like in TX. From clubs to old hookers you are all over the place.

  4. Yes, my mother told me last year that the reason there were so many blind charities started in the Victorian era was entirely due to the incredibly high numbers of babies being born to syphilitic mothers for whom the consequence was to be born blind.

    The syphilis rate is rising in my home town. Whenever an individual presents at the std clinic with a genital sore it is now automatic to test for syphilis as well as herpes.

  5. Well damn, is that why I'm going blind?!?

    No seriously, I'm forever surprised to hear that so few people seem to be practicing safe sex these days. With so many sexually transmitted diseases out there, I'm halfway scared to shake hands with most people.

    It's sad to hear things like this. It kinda reminds me of the Tuskegee experiments. People just don't know.

  6. *laughing at Reggie and cosigning too*
