Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Brad Did It Too

Sometimes what one already has is perfectly good.
But sometimes a guy wants something (someone) with more sex-appeal.

Sometimes it's just time for an upgrade.
Sometimes this can be an easy choice.


  1. The photos sure make your point.

  2. Yeah, but c'mon.......have you seen Angelina's lips?!? That's reason enough for an upgrade there. Brad could have definitely done better than what he was getting.

  3. I find it sad that cheating on your woman can be compared with buying a new car.... and that being with someone who is more physically attractive is the most important characteristic when making an "upgrade".

  4. And upgrades can be expensive. I know a guy now on his third marriage but his millions have gone to the previous two wives...bye, bye homes in various states and planes to fly around even his cars have suffered in price and style.
