Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Who Needs An Oscar ?

I jacked this photo from Tracy over at Blackgivesback (over there -->).
Leona. Alicia and Halle?
I'm not really a big fan of Jamie Foxx - but on that day I wish I was he.


  1. Leona and Halle, not really a fan of either. Alicia!

  2. Alicia's a damn home wrecker!

  3. I wish I was a piece of fiber that made up just one of their dresses (yes even the home wrecker).

  4. @ Val - Me neither - but then again, I'm a guy.

    @ Anon. - Really?

    @ NoFace - Me too.

  5. Damn they are gorgeous aren't they!!!

    I don't ever question who a man chooses to love, life's too short. But I have never understood why a man of color could definitely state that he wouldn't want a woman of color; when there are women this beautiful around in abundance.
