Friday, April 30, 2010

What a Concept

Okay, Val - but that's something different.
I was talking about having machines controlled by a remote location that do work here in the States.
Like having a group of Mexicans picking oranges while controlling these machines from T.J..

This seems to be working with some surgical applications.

A guy can be in one city while the machine is doing the work in another.

What if we could get all the Mexican labor we needed without having to deal with the Mexicans themselves?

The recent movie Sleep Dealers deals with the concept of drones operated by foreign workers which do the jobs Americans don't want to do.
With our current fixation with drones in war, maybe this idea is not that far from reality.


  1. This is already happening. Just call the AT&T tech line and you'll see.

  2. Actually Val, Americans would like to have the AT&T tech line jobs. The problem is, they have been outsourced.

    It's the same way here in the states. Greedy companies push for cheap immigrant labor to brought in when we have countless black men imprisoned for non violent crimes who could be out working in many of these jobs. It's time to reform our drug laws and put black men to work, not in prison.

  3. I almost co-sign with Anonymous, but then I remember that the prison are privatized businesses who get free labor. These places are on the stock exchange and their profits are dependent upon how many prison beds are filled. More inmates, more free labor. It's disgraceful.

    John, I think if the mega-corporations could have cheap drones or clones to do the work for less than prisoners or immigrant laborers, they'd send us to death camps because in their racist view, we wouldn't be needed, not needed at all.

  4. But if the corporations have cheap labor how do they sell their product, where do the buyers come from? With all the outsourcing to offshore and buying all product from overseas there is no need to employ locally and therefore a large populations with no income to spend.
