Monday, April 19, 2010

Natural Healthy Living

Old growth wood is naturally dense, stronger and longer lasting than the forced growth products most in use today.

Newer products attempt to mimic in a short time what it may have taken nature centuries to produce.
This is similar to our current food processing practices.
Natural food is nutrient rich and limited in it's reliance on artificial ingredients.
But ones body knows what it needs.
If a chicken from the Forties was rich in protein - one or two pieces was all that may have been needed to reach our nutritional goals.
If today's chickens are lacking in the same density of nutrients - one may have to eat three or four pieces to get the same intake of protein.
Why are many of us fat?
Because many of us don't eat real foods.


  1. I suspect the density of nutrients might be the answer to why fructose and fructan intolerance is growing. In the forties fruits would have been much hardier and fewer now we have a surfeit of monstrous things that must mostly be sugar to gorge ourselves on.

  2. I like to eat John; but I remember a sister who used to always say that she had a wait problem, she couldn't wait to eat.

    I don't know if today's chickens are lacking in density, but they sure are good.

  3. ^Food Inc. (Documentary)Reggie, check it out.
