Monday, April 5, 2010


Another major earthquake?
Don't panic - every year we average 17 earthquakes worldwide with a magnitude of at least 7.0.
In the first quarter of this year we've had four - putting us on track to meet our annual average.


  1. "Another major earthquake? Don't panic..."

    Easy for you to say, I live in California! Lol

  2. Sometimes it's crazy but it's over before you can react. It's a part of life out here but you always know it could go Haiti if the big one ever hit.

  3. Do you happen to have a list of where the Earthquakes could possible hit..ha ha ha. Just so I won't be there...

  4. @ Val - I grew up out in Riverside - I became used to them.

    @ FreeMan - We used to be able to tell if an earthquake was a 3.8 or a 4.2 even before it was announced on the news.
    The only thing odd about this year is that the earthquakes have happened in more populated regions.

    @ Ojo - If I did I'd be paid.
