Saturday, April 17, 2010

Armey v. Soros

These are grass roots.

These are not.
When Obama was on the verge of capturing the Democrat Party nomination for POTUS I speculated that such an event would trigger the rise of the Libertarian Party.
While George Soros was able to rally large numbers of disparate groups with his MoveOn.Org - the Republican base countered with Dick Armey and the Libertarian/FreedomWorks group in organizing and funding much of the fervor within the current Tea Party Movement.
Whether one backs one member of the Establishment or the other - does it really make any difference?
With such support - doesn't it just further the cause of one self serving group over another?
Taxed Enough Already?
Lower taxes - check, I'm down with that.
Smaller and less obtrusive government - check, keep talking.
Overt Racism - oops, ya' lost me.


  1. Have you gone to a Tea Party in your neighborhood UBJ? I have tried to convince my husband to take me to one in a town not too far from here. He has laughed it off until today and now he has decided to take me to a meeting. I will blog about how it goes. Think it meets at the beginning of next month...

  2. Dick Armey has got to be lying. I caught him, I think on Fox, saying old folks in the Tea Party want to eradicate Medicare "for their 45 year old children and their grandchildren."


    I weaved that in with my current, satire post, which I think you'll like.

  3. I firmly believe that whether you're a Democrat or a Republican you're bound to use my tax dollars for shit that I don't want you to use them for.

    What I do find comical about many of the people that attend these Tea Party events is that for a group that's supposed to be committed to lowering taxes, that they don't realize that they're not paying as much in taxes now as opposed to two years ago.

    ...why is that?!?

  4. @ Ms M - Yup. Everyone was all exited about repeating the talking points but few understood what they meant.
    One woman stood up and pointed out that the cost of the current healthcare reform would be enough to give every citizen close to $3000.00 to buy their own health insurance.
    When I pointed out that the money would only cover her for one year and that the Obama plan was intended to cover her for her lifetime she sat down and STFU.
    Many of those who are most vocal are also those with the least understanding.

    @ Kit - Yeah... I'm blog-rolling now to check out what others have to say.
    I'll be there shortly.

    @ Many want to diminish the effect of "race" on the perception of government but race has always been a major factor in helping one form their opinions.
