Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Who Knew?

I've heard of the "Black Irish" but dayum...


  1. The immigration laws def need to be updated. But I'm not concerned about the Irish. I'm most concerned about Haitians who have been treated worse than any other would be immigrants.

  2. Yeah... True.
    But what did the Irish do to America?
    Could it be the Iberian influence on their gene pool?

  3. It's that most Irish are Catholic and back in the day there was a backlash against Catholicism.

  4. Its protectionsism. Most are short sighted and don't like competition for anything.
    I hate the argument that "my ancestors came legally, you need to as well!"
    "your" immigrant ancestors only came legally, if they were in fact legal, because they didn't have the same laws. No sponsors, occupation requirements, fees, etc etc.

    It just comes down to they dont want more Mexicans.
