Saturday, March 20, 2010

Which Is Seeking Status?

Even religious followers were warned of desiring the high seat in the temple.
But in an all-loving environment, why would this caution need to be given?
Regardless of which group one belongs - all groups are governed by an innate hierarchy.
All groups (and those within these groups) seek status.
Even within pious groups - he with the most piety is he with the most status.

The Pope is thought to be one of the more humble and holy men within the Catholic Church.
But if one is ever to ascend to this position, he must first prove to be even more pious than the other pious individuals which surround him.
He must gain penultimate status by feigning to eschew all status.
The world is run by those who gain the most status.

1 comment:

  1. The sin lies in conflating "having" with "being"...,
