Saturday, March 13, 2010

Which Is More True?

Yvonne DeCarlo playing Zipporra (Sephora) the wife of Moses,
Or the Image of a Black Madonna?


  1. Depends on how much race is relevant. Now when the white lady plays Moses wife it's a just a white reenactment. When it's the Black Madonna someone will say it's really white people but they were using Black clay! That's all they had back then LMBAO!

  2. They are both fictional characters.

  3. Not exactly on point, but related I think. A couple of weeks ago I attended a wedding that took place at a Church in the heart of Compton. So all these Black folks were in this church celebrating the coming together of a man and a women in the house of their God and simultaneously worshiping the White folks depicted on the stained windows of the Church. What's wrong with that picture?
