Sunday, March 21, 2010

Give Up The Keys Granny !

At what age should one be forced to give up the keys and allow someone else to drive the country?
(Move over grandma.)


  1. Well, the aged always vote more often the young. So i guess we have no one to blame but ourselves.

  2. LOL!!! I suggest that at such time that your children are card carrying members of AARP then it might be time for you to give up driving.

  3. I believe the proper time is when the shows you used to watch come on some weird channel at weird times. I think that's the sign that you need to be inspected twice a year. If you are still watching Hawaii Five-O then you need to be in the system that your time is coming to an end.

    Real talk 75!

  4. When the arthritis in your upper body means that you can no longer to look to either side. I read recently that the biggest cause of accidents in the elderly is pulling out at junctions into the path of another car because the elderly drivers couldn't turn to see what was coming down the road toward them.

  5. Actually, this was in reference to those Fox watchers who get mad at others even though they are the ones who caused the recent economic and social accidents?
    That those same gannies and grampies still imagine themselves capable of driving the country.
