Wednesday, February 10, 2010

White Palms & Pink Nipples

Kids believe anything.
Yesterday, I told a group of boys that one could tell how Black someone was by the palms of their hands.
Pink Palms - White or Part White
Brown Palms - Mostly Black
White Palms - Slavery Black

I told them that this also applies to nipples.
Brown Nipples - Not White
Pink Nipples - White

Today they told me that I was correct.
All their darker friends had brown or white-(ish) palms but that the light-skinned friends had pinkish palms.
(And don't even get me started on their nipple research.)

Maybe I should be more careful in the myths I unintentionally spread.


  1. One guy told us when we were kids that girls like to have you blow in their ear. Now we were 7 and we ran around blowing in girls ears and then one went to far and accidentally spit in a girls ear.

    Yeah watch the myths as kids will go and find out for themselves.

  2. You went out of your way to develop some ridiculous fake stories and you're saying it was "unintentional"?

    Separately, bwahahahahahah on that "have you hit the skids" ad next to this post. Doo doo stains and all. Is that brand of draws any good? It's getting harder and harder to find quality draws at a reasonable price. Lol.

  3. [quote]White Palms - Slavery Black[/quote]

    With all due respect - UBJ

    WHY did you think of a SLAVE when you thought of a DARK SKINNED BLACK PERSON?

    Seriously bro - THIS AIN'T COOL.

  4. @ FreeMan - Most of the tiem I tell them true stuff - sometimes I just like to eff with them.
    They were just teasing one of their darker cousins by calling him "Wesley Snipes".
    I had to throw some mess in their game to see how silly they would be.
    They carried this myth to the B-ball court and had all the other boys comparing hands.
    I just laughed my ass off when I told them I made it all up.

    @ Pizznits - I didn't mean for them to have girls show them their nipples nor for them to tell this to the other kids at the b-ball courts.

    (That's FreeMan's site - ask him about the quality of his drawers)

    @ Ronald _ Really? Is it THAT serious?
    Are most Blacks lighter or darker since Slavery?
    Are more Blacks somewhat mixed nowadays or are we still "pure" Black?
    Move along... nobody's squbbin' over BS here... .

  5. [quote]Is it THAT serious?
    Are most Blacks lighter or darker since Slavery?
    Are more Blacks somewhat mixed nowadays or are we still "pure" Black?
    Move along... nobody's squbbin' over BS here... .[/quote]


    More than at YOU - I am taken aback that FreeMan didn't tell you to "Pull Up Your Pants".

    Think about how ignorant your statement is. These "Slave Black" people had thousands of years of history and consciousness on this planet before any incursion by the "Slave-Master White" people came and disrupted their world.

    WORSE - YOU and other Negroes have formulated the START OF YOUR OWN RACIAL CONSCIOUSNESS based upon this SLAVE EVENT rather than showing that you know the HISTORY OF YOUR PEOPLE.

    FreeMan - You said previously that I am against Black people per my views. In this case you laughed along with UBJ.

  6. Speaking of nipples. Have you noticed that bare pink nipples usually denote pornography and bare brown nipples usually indicate nature?!?

    Or is it just me?!?

  7. @ Ronald - I'm not mad at everyone.
    I can joke with my own people.
    It really ain't THAT serious.

    @ Reg - Well... you and Conde Nast notice this.

  8. @Dpizz - The drawers are Hanes UBJ just made that ad. He took it to the level of do do stains. They are all clean and white and HANES!

    @Constructive - Look man I've been on UBJ blog a while now. I usually read each post to the end and click the links before I jump on UBJ or assume he is saying something. I don't mind discussing the good the bad and the ugly. We can discuss the N word if it's done in a manner that we are trying to find a solution.

    I say all that to say I don't have any reason to think UBJ is implying something sinister. I think he would say what he means and put it out into the open for a bit of clarity.

    @Constructive - Really I am not against you brother either. You just don't want to build or talk things out because you think no one respects you. You get caught up in this Conservative and Liberal crap when in reality I can be either on any given issue. If you would come out to talk and interact instead of proving a point you would find out alot of are on here discussing and building together. I know I am.

    I apologize man to man if I offended you by saying your views are against Black people. There is a difference even in blogging when people are asking why like to find out and asking why like what the hell is wrong with you. You blog and converse in the latter!

  9. FreeMan:

    UBJ reference to a "Jet Black Person" as "Slave Black". Then he clarified his point to state that he was talking about Black folks PRIOR TO our interaction with WHITE FOLKS and thus were not mixed (lightened).

    This is 100% Ignorant.
    Prior to the first European setting foot in Africa (from where they came from in the first place) - there were intermixing of races since the beginning.

    Our racial characteristics are "mating decisions" that have taken place over time.

    [QUOTE]You just don't want to build or talk things out because you think no one respects you. You get caught up in this Conservative and Liberal crap when in reality I can be either on any given issue. If you would come out to talk and interact instead of proving a point you would find out alot of are on here discussing and building together.[/quote]

    FreeMan - your analysis couldn't be more wrong.

    Like Fannie Lou Hamer - I AM NOT LOOKING FOR "respect".
    I see a need and I see that I have to step into the lions den of "bigotry" to make my point.

    Take away the issue of RESPECT and replace it with "Intellectual Honesty".

    If you map the challenges that our community faces with the items that so called "Black Blogs" key in upon ( in the political domain) you begin to see where the problem is:
    We have left our management posts within our communities and have left the fort to go FIGHT THE REPUBLICANS.

    Take away the "legitimate conflicts" and instead look at the feigned outrage that dominates. Then tell me if this is WORTH IT compared to the unaddressed challenges (ie: Pennsylvania was just ranked the most DEADLY STATE FOR BLACK PEOPLE [per capita]). If you listened to the heart beat of our community you'd swear that MS or AL had this prize and that the Tea Party were the killers.

    If there is any loss of "respect" it is when the fellow travelers fail to speak up.

  10. @Constructive - Did you see that he meant it as part of a overall thing he told his cousins. Did you miss the real moral of the post? Also, it's not like UBJ is speaking on CSPAN and this is his blog so I came here to converse with him. It's like coming to his house so what he says in his house is the rule. I mean all of that to say I didn't get so caught up in the exact words used as I was trying to see what he was overall getting at. I'm not following where you have this much outrage and it's with his own family it's not in the public. How can I tell another man to stop saying that to his own family. I say some wild shit when I try to prove a lesson to my own nephew. Some of it is racist, but I don't put that on my blog. UBJ does it another way but he's his own man and I don't trip off of things like that especially when it's his own family.

    Constructive let me ask you a question? What do you want? What do you want everyone to realize or gain understanding of?

    I mean my blogs are pretty much do for self blogs! My point of view is from that same stance so my conversation is consistent with a overall theme for Blacks to do for self. My attacks on other people is usually to combat people who either teach us to accept or to protect my own from my own who want to shit on them. I come from the same area you think breeds savages. So I take it as my own personal duty sometimes to fight people who never lived it back as I can articulate my thoughts and I have the educational background to combat them at their own game.

    So again what is it that you want us to get? I'm all ears because I think you are really a smart guy but somehow we can't find common ground. Maybe we need to start from the end and work backwards.

  11. @ CF - I KNOW that Africa is a mixed-race continent (to a point).
    But most early slaves were from Sub-Saharan western Africa - not the Egypt or Libya.
    The thing is - you got the point of how dark these boys were by my reference to "Slavery Black".
