Saturday, February 27, 2010

Keep It Short

As blog roles get longer and longer,
as posts become more in depth,
as the comment threads get more sidetracked -
why post anything that would take busy people away from from their busy lives for more than is required to convey a simple message?


  1. Because sometimes people get caught up in the brilliance of their idea. They like to expound on something to the Nth degree even though the average cat only needs 3 paragraphs. C'mon it's part of being brilliant to explain things past comprehension to the point of exhaustion.

  2. Yeah... as my blogroll gets longer - there are a few I have to wait until I have the time to read before I even look at them.
    Sometimes I end up being a couple of days behind the ones I'd like to read the most.

  3. Dude, every time my wife walks past and asks, "what ya lookin at?" its YOUR blog and its a picture like this.

    Thank you for that.

  4. What a great resource!

  5. Midget strippers huh?!? RiPPa is down with the little people John.

  6. I like to keep my posts short because 1) I want to folks to read them and and
    2) I don't like reading long posts my self (unless they are really really interesting) and I'm a "do unto others" type of guy.

  7. @ NoFace - At least people got rid of those ads - the load times were killing me.
    I just stopped reading some blogs because they took too long to load all the music, images, videos AND commercials.
