Monday, February 15, 2010

Is This Racist?

Why'd they have to show a brotha' with some pork?
Why did he have to be out with he other WHITE meat?
And she's blonde to boot?


  1. Yep, as any guy looking for racism will say they are implying Black Men will date white women who are ugly and look like pigs.

    (Sometimes the women do look like pigs though, and I've seen a couple)

    So maybe it's reverse racism saying white women look like pigs.


  2. Come on brothas, that's Miss Piggy. She's not a white girl, that's Miss Piggy. Heck, that's not even her hair. Close your eyes and think Wendy Williams.

    Listen, I went to see Avatar and I brought home those 3D glasses, right. Well, while reading this post, for some strange reason I slipped them on. Now, that's when I knew the brotha in the photo had the last laugh. See, although you guys can't see it (because you don't have these special 3D glasses) Miss Piggy ain't really Miss Piggy.

    To be continued....

    Racism? baa humbug.

  3. But Miss Piggy is so cute. Always has been, always will be.

  4. @ FreeMan - Yeah - one can find "racism" anywhere.

    @ Carey - Dub-Dub? Now THAT's funny.
    Wendy DOES look like Miss Piggy.

    @ doll - Really? I've always hated Miss Piggy.
    Too loud and bossy for my tastes.

  5. "Look at scot-Taye, touchin' the white mans pork!" LOL

  6. Why John?!? Because they know better than to try to come between a brother and his pork!!!
