Monday, February 8, 2010

Is This Racist ?

"I be done seen about everything...
until I seen an Elephant fly."
Are these crows from Dumbo offensive?

What about the Ravens' mascots?

And while we're at it...


  1. OK not joking....

    The crows are racist as they are mimicking black stereotypes of that time. Fu*king Disney and Warner Brothers got a whole archive full of racist cartoons and this is one that was made during that time.

    The ravens mascot is a raven as a bird. Now if the team was called the Redskins then yes it's racist...

    Lastly, Tyler Perry isn't racist because he's black and he created it. So you can't call it racist you call it coonery.

  2. Offensive might be too strong for me. The Dumbo crows and the Tyler Perry characters.... I know niggaz like this! Some in own damn family. These images are highly stereotypical, but there is a truth to them. My only problem is if these are the only images out there portraying Black people and, preferably not the dominant representations.
