Sunday, January 24, 2010

Who Dat ?!

Peyton Manning beat Mark Sanchez and his Jets to earn a birth to Miami and the Super Bowl.
Sure, I would have loved to see a reunion of sorts between former USC Trojans Sanchez and Reggie Bush - but I'll settle for Archie's old team beating son Peyton's current one.
Laissez Les Bon Temp Roulez!
With criticism of Jessica Simpson being Tony Romo's "Bad Luck Charm" - Reggie seems to enjoy Kim as his good luck charm.
Reggie may not be a Buddhist - but he is definately a booty-ist.


  1. I'm so happy the Saints won! I predict it would be Saints and Colts before the Playoffs and I was right! :D

  2. I'm happy for the Saints, but I'm giving very little credit to Mr. Reggie Kardashian for the win.

  3. Reggie Bush the Rich get Richer. Here in LA they still talking about him taking money in college but who cares. USC makes as much as a NFL team in LA damn right he should get some money.

    I'm still pulling for the Colts in the big game though. Another Black coach to win the big game is win for me.

  4. Go Colts!

    And hopefully that Brett guy will retire now.

  5. @Freeman: They did report on how much those University make off these Football Players and don't give them a dime of it. So it's like why can't they give them any money when they make Millions off them?
    @Val: I know right I'm sick of him too.

  6. They aint the aints no more.
    Lets queue the zydaco and sequins cuz we want a trophy on Bourbon St.

  7. True and I ain't mad at him, she's gorgeous!!
