Saturday, January 2, 2010


SeeNew said, "...(D)o you suppose that even in a non-linear multiverse, only a very tiny subset of possible arrangements is actually meaningful?"

IMOHO - All arrangements are meaningful, but only a few are desirable. But how do we know which are which? This may be where prayer comes in. Proper prayer acts as a sort of tuning mechanism which brings us closer to the ideal.

If the theories which suggest multiple realities are true - these prayers bring us to the reality which we seek. Through faith, tachyons, or whatever - these prayers have already been answered in at least one reality. We just have to get to the reality which we seek. If "thought" is the only thing that can move faster than the speed of light - maybe this is what prayer is.

(Of course these last few posts are only approximations of provable theories. Just starting points which probably contain many steps in the wrong direction. But as of this point - this is what I'm thinking... .)


  1. Proper prayer acts as a sort of tuning mechanism which brings us closer to the ideal.

    What does this mean?

  2. In infinite realities, all things are possible but all are not ultimately desirable.
    There is probably at least one outcome where everyone benefits based on their effort.
    Prayer acts as a sort of search engine that filters out the undesirable outcomes and helps us to focus on the most benefitial.

  3. That's not how prayer works, or, what prayer does.

    Prayer is like kata..,

  4. Let me think about this one.
    "Kata" is pretty close to what I'm trying to say.

  5. On top of what prayer is, there is the additional and crucial consideration of "when" prayer is done.

    What is it that that old DeVil has taken to saying lately about nerds wanting know how clocks are built but not knowing what time it is?

    Not only is it vital to know how the clock is built, what it does, and what time it is, it is incumbent upon you to do what you do (kata) at the right time(s) in order to obtain the full benefit of what was called panem nostrem supersubstantialem...,
