Monday, January 11, 2010

Ne-Ga-Roe Please!

What's wrong with being called a "Negro"?
Or "Black"?
Of all the socially accepted terms used to describe us - I am most offended by the term "African-American".
Charleze Theron is an African-American - I'm just Black.
Or a Negro.


  1. I'm holding out for the term "coon", I'm sure it'll be added before long anyway.

  2. I still like Black but African American doesn't bother me at all. Negro and Black tell of no history or area. So I can understand the tracing back but Negro is offensive and if someone calls me that I'll definitely knock that mfer out.

    AA was the evolution of trying to identify our race with a homeland of some sort. I don't mind that at all.

  3. I'll tread lightly and whitely, but did you see the Slate article on this? Seems like Negro was invented by and for, er, blacks.

