Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hades or Haiti ?

Talk about some dumb shit...
Just scroll down to number one.


  1. If I say that I'm crazy and will be forever looked at as a idiot. Since he is religious it's not crazy talk it's just spiritual interpretation that the heathen can't understand.

    This is why people don't believe in preachers. F*ing insanity gets to spewed with the Bible in his hand and we just dismiss it and say see you next week Pastor.

  2. I feel a headache coming on after reading those quote. Someone tell me why this man is allowed on TV? Why hasn't he been arrested because one of his quote blatantly advocated a terrorist act (nuke the State department--WTF!) And he calls himself a man of God. It is people like him and others of his ilk that give Christianity a bad name.
    Instead of spewing un-Christianlike drivel, as a "man of God," he should be sending up prayers. From his thousands of sheep, I mean followers, he should be asking for donations or help for the Haitian people.

    I borrowed this link. I hope you don't mine?

  3. I feel a headache coming on after reading those quote. Someone tell me why this man is allowed on TV? Why hasn't he been arrested because one of his quote blatantly advocated a terrorist act (nuke the State department--WTF!) And he calls himself a man of God. It is people like him and others of his ilk that give Christianity a bad name.
    Instead of spewing un-Christianlike drivel, as a "man of God," he should be sending up prayers. From his thousands of sheep, I mean followers, he should be asking for donations or help for the Haitian people.

    I borrowed this link. I hope you don't mine?

  4. Sometimes I'm real happy that his religion hates mine.

  5. Forget about Robertson. I was actually expected something outrageous and astoundingly insensitive from him. What about the sister, Kristi Watts, who just stood there while the old man spewed out his misinformed "spiritual" analysis of Haiti's current and past situations? What the hell was going on in her mind?

  6. Yeah, I noticed that.
    She seemed confused and scared of losing her job.
