Saturday, January 23, 2010

Everyone Hates "The Man"

Until he becomes "The Man".

In just over a year - Obama has gone from; agent of change, to super hero, to savior, to super villain, to charismatic radical.
Damn... it must suck to be "The Man".


  1. I tell you what if I'm ever elected Savior I'm going to do something big the next day. Can't be savior and just tackle problems you need to have a solution in your back pocket to satisfy the masses.

    BrObama is trying to put out fires when the public wants him to build the Twin Towers. I think people are so tired of the carnage of this recession that any shovels in the ground would've worked. BrObama is so damn cerebral he forgets to just greenlight building bridges so people can see something. Right now we all know he is working but we can't see anything but more gray hairs on his head.

    I know this sounds bad but if the Haiti earthquake would've been Katrina he would have been seen as on top of his game. He hasn't nothing to respond too urgently except building the economy and that might take 2 more years.

  2. Hey, where did you get/make/ acquire all those pictures?

    Yep, right can be a lonely place. er'body can't be the man. What did Malcolm say... If you don't have any critics...
