Tuesday, December 1, 2009

You Know You Have Good Neighbors When...

You're late putting up your Christmas lights and you also shut off the power to your house so you can do some rewiring for two days.
And your mail slot is filled with Christmas cards and money to pay your light bill.
(Now I have to find out who dropped off the money and explain that I was just doing electrical work.)


  1. You know when you have Bad neighbors when your door is wide open when you come back!

  2. Funny you say that... someone broke into my van within 5 hours of my returning from a trip last week.

  3. @ FreeMan - That happened to me once.
    Apparently I didn't pull the door all the way shut and a neighbor noticed when they drove by.
    They asked around for my cell number and called to ask if I wanted them to look around to make sure no one was in my house.
    After they looked around, they just made sure the door was locked and closed the door.

    (Now, if this happened where my rentals were - it would be a whole other story.).

    @ brohammas - I got my car stereo jacked once while parked off Melrose in broad daylight.
    That has to be the worst feeling.
    (But at least the only broke one of the smaller (and cheaper to replace) windows to gain access.)
