Friday, December 4, 2009


For all the red-heads whose carpet matches your drapes,
watch out for the latest "celebration" of "isms" - gingerism;
I guess picking on ethnic minorities has become too dangerous and un-PC.


  1. Calabasas c'mon those guys stay on the hillside of Malibu. These kids are just bored and hot as hell over there.

  2. I used to go to Calabasas for swim meets - and being from Riverside, the weather seemed nice by comparison.

    But the thing that gets me about Gingerism is the these Gingers could be said to be "the most white of the whites".
    It's just odd that they are still discriminated against by other whites.

  3. A) yes they are the white of the whitest which again goes to how we white people are not proud of our whiteness but rather ignore it.

    B)how bout a scroll warning every now and then? Come on man, help me out a little!

  4. @ brohammas - Sorry about that.
    I forgot that you'd be here gloating over USC's loss.
