Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Heads Up !

While driving around town today, I spotted miles of rail cars filled with tanks.
Since the Port of Beaumont is the nations number one transporter of military cargo,
and the Port of Port Arthur (ten miles away) has recently been named as a "strategic seaport" (over larger Gulf ports in New Orleans and Houston) - any rise in future military activity can be gauged by traffic at these ports.


  1. Or Hummer got a big contract and you happen to see the grand delivery!

    Well can't take the old ones from Iraq and pull them over to Afghan so I guess the order went out for some new ones.

  2. We can always tell which direction the wars are headed by looking at what's being shipped.
    Since it's tanks this time - I'm speculating that next Spring we'll see a focus on a ground war.
