Wednesday, December 23, 2009

All I Want For Christmas

Is NBC Today Show weekend correspondent Jenna Wolfe.
The Jamaican born Haitian raised cutie is my current ideal of a desirable woman.
Pleasant, educated, speaks in SAE, has her own job, not fat, and cute.


  1. Rilly?!?!?!?


    looks like Katie Couric's "shiny gams" fetishists fanboys are excited about this heffa too......,

    taste is a highly subjective thing brah.., so I ain't mad at you.

    but I did have to tell my assistant to put a "questionable call" note in your personnel file.

  2. Wolfe is cute and all but, if you wanna talk about an ideal of a desirable woman, I would suggest Tamron Hall from MSNBC.

  3. Tamron is my future ex-wife so step off! Just saw American Violet the other day and I thought that sista was fine.

  4. I just have a thing for newscasters and Jenna just has to be the latest crush du jour.
    (I'll check out Tamron.)

  5. I have to go with Tamron Hall too. Together and Understated all at the same time.

  6. You know, I must admit that I've never really paid attention to her before; but now that you mention it, she could definitely use a good spanking!!!

  7. But no, she's no where near as hot as Tamron Hall. She could be hot spicy barbecue sauce on my ribs anyday of the week!!!

  8. She's cute but I would take Tamron Hall over her anyday. Taste is subjective though. One man's hooker is another man's princess.
