Saturday, November 28, 2009

What's Up With The Hair?

In the '80's, Mike Score, of A Flock of Seagulls, was notorious for his inventive haircuts.
For decades, no one dared to emulate such a catastrophe.
But that was until Adam Lambert decided to bust out the old style for a new generation.
This Thanksgiving weekend, I've encountered no less than nine cousins (or cousins of cousins) who've decided that this look was worth trying.

Maybe it wasn't Lambert after all.
Maybe these cousins watch The Real Hoodrats of the ATL and like the style on Kandi.
So I asked.
But this was not the case.
Most of these women say the cut on...
Kate Gosselin was their inspiration.
This inspired Black women to order the cut from their stylists in time for Thanksgiving dinner?
These women thought that this looked good?
I don't know... Maybe these women felt as though they could identify with the stereotype of a single, loud, bossy, unemployed, mother, with a lot of kids, and a lot of drama.


  1. Kate Gosselin should not be inspiration for anything but celibacy, or at least birth control.

  2. The minute I saw that first guy I was thinking.......Flock of Seagulls. But not the group, I was thinking of Sam Jackson in Pulp Fiction.

    Kate Gosselin needs to understand that it's a pussy, not a clown car!!!
