Thursday, November 12, 2009

Single Hot Female

How did a warm weather Spring Flu in Mexico turn into a cold weather Fall/Winter pandemic in The Ukraine?
I really have no idea.
If the squabbin' at DV is too much for you,
and the pedantry at SeeNew's spot is above your head -
Check out one hot heina for a take that I couldn't have stated better myself;


  1. We got some mad scientists crap going on because as she did on her blog it doesn't add up.

    I got my own paranoia's and usually that's enough to make me think some scientist fu*ked a monkey and gave us AIDS!

    So you don't have to make up anything my brain is always on ONE!

  2. I am like Freeman, I ain't trying to get nothing made by man. Somewhere around some corner, there's somebody counting his money. As Freeman would say, there's a sucker born every day.

    I sort of liked the picture Ol'girl has at the top of her blog. I think her and I could make someone jealous.

    Uncle Black, if you send me to another porn site.... *lol*
