Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Do Adjuvants Destoy Phages?

Some polluted rivers and bodies of water are known to possess healing agents that kill the native bacteria that are harmful to humans.
But when the water from these bodies is boiled and cleansed - the resulting waters lose their healing properties.
(Maybe this is how Christ cured those suffering from leprosy or blindness in the Biblical stories. But how would he know about bacteriophages?)

Are the adjuvants used in today's medicines and vaccines actually doing more harm than good?
Are these adjuvants killing the beneficial bacteriophages?

1 comment:

  1. I see you went deep on me Uncle Black. See, I had no idea what "adjuvants" meant. So it was a specail reward to drop by your site.

    Now, put a voice behind you words and drop by my blog for that personal touch. I have a new toy and I want you to help me break it in. Of course I got a little silly but that's what I do.

    After wrestling with FreeMan for the last few days, a man needs a laugh. That boy works me.
