Friday, September 25, 2009

Whitopia ?

Anon. asked; "Can you help me understand why white people are stocking up on guns?"
The short answer is; Because they are afraid.
Afraid of what?
Let's see...

Blackest cities in America (
Gary, Indiana
Detroit, Michigan
Birmingham, Alabama
Jackson, Mississippi
New Orleans, Louisiana
Baltimore, Maryland
Atlanta, Georgia
Memphis, Tennessee
Washington, D.C.
Richmond, Virginia

Most Dangerous Cities in America (CQ Press)
New Orleans, Louisiana
Camden, New Jersey
Detroit, Michigan
St. Louis, Missouri
Oakland, California
Flint, Michigan
Gary, Indiana
Birmingham, Alabama
Richmond, Virginia
North Charleston, South Carolina

Gary, Indiana
Detroit, Michigan
Birmingham, Alabama
New Orleans, Louisiana
and Richmond, Virginia make both lists.
So most people would conclude that they (whites) are afraid of the crime associated with the influx of Blacks.

Whitest Cities in America (
Livonia, Michigan
Cape Corral, Florida
Boise City, Idaho
Independence, Missouri
Scottsdale, Arizona
Springfield, Missouri
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Warren, Michigan
Manchester, New Hampshire

Safest Cities in America (CQ Press)
Colonie, New York
Allen, Texas
Greece, New York
Amherst, New York
Clarkstown, New York
Brick Township, New Jersey
Newton, Massachusetts
O' Fallon Missouri
Mission Viejo, California
Ramapo, New York

But wait...
None of the cities from the "Whitest" list also appear on the "Safest".
Maybe there are more factors than race when one considers crime.
But for a more eye opening look at Whitopia, check out;


  1. Just as you should consider more factors than race when considering crime, you should consider more factors than race when considering gun purchases.
    Why are right wing conservatives buying up guns?
    BEcause they have bought into the scare tactics telling them that Obama and the socialists are trying to take away the right to gun ownership, and place themselves in non democratic govt.
    They are not stockpiling against black people but against the govt.

    Well... with Obama those are the same thing.

  2. @ brohammas - Okay... I get that.
    But down here in the South - the government is seen largely as an entity that now favours Blacks and other minorities.
    The whole "White Guilt" phenomenon has been countered by the "White Victim" movement.
    Just surf on over to Stormfront to see what I mean.

  3. UBJ, sure fear of govt and fear of angry black people are at an apex, but the right gets itchy about guns anytime a democrat is around. More than many other issues, individual's views on guns is deeply cultural and the rift is deep... the rift between right and left is predominant here and race just happens to coincide, not cause.
    I really think this is idealogical at heart and just exaggerated by race. Yes the wingnuts are playing up racial fear, but were it Hillary in charge, they would play some other card to stoke fear and a run on ammo as well.

    Racial provocation is simply a tool to achieve a seperate agenda.

  4. Great post - I will definitely check out the book. And Stormfront happens to be one of my favorite sites.

    @brohammas: All good points, but I think you're downplaying the racial aspects of a lot of the hate being directed at Obama.

  5. @KST
    I think I have a pretty solid idea where most of the white conservatives are coming from.
    There are plenty of flaming rednecks out there, but that is not the majority by any means.
    Most are racially ignorant idealogues who are unaware of their racial biasses and if treated the same as the flaming redneck, will be more likely to become one, as opposed to becoming either part of the silent masses or an ally.

  6. @ brohammas - I just spoke to a couple of my Aryan Brotherhood friends back in Cali. and asked them what was behind all of the anger.
    Okay... they place race at the heart of any issue - but they said that race is just the most effective tool (right now) to enlighten whites of the threat from our government.
    So okay... I see your point.

  7. they said that race is just the most effective tool (right now) to enlighten whites of the threat from our government.
    So okay... I see your point.

    can you say


