Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Two Words - "Bleach" and "Off"

Too bad much of the water dropped on Atlanta in the past week will be lost as run-off.
(Are y'all still having a drought?)
-Make sure you have enough bleach to kill most of the mold that will grow on anything that has been exposed to water.
-Make sure you have enough "Off" to fight all of the mosquitoes that will be looking for food once the water subsides.


  1. and Make sure you build some kind of reservior even though the city will think it's stupid and costly.

    Another use for Bleach damn I wish I owned Clorox what a forever money maker!

  2. A reservoir COULD be built with money from the stimulous package.
    The collected water could be saved in case of another drought or as a feature in one of the many planned developments.
