Sunday, September 27, 2009

Real Global Warming

There was once a time when one actually had to expend energy in order to obtain energy.
When hunters would hunt - the feast after of few hours or days of work would only last until it was time to hunt again.
The result was a lean and fit population.
But people thought that they could do better by getting more while doing less.

With the advent of cheap, quick and easy food - even many of our young are becoming human energy storage systems.

Have you even been in a large cool empty room that seems to suddenly become hot when it gets crowded?
Why is this?
It's because as the room fills with people, who have an average body temperature of 98.2 degrees, who take up more and more space and release more heat than the air within the empty room previously contained?
So if we use the Gaia model; Are humans a miniature example of what happens when we consume too many cheap resources for too long by too many?
Is the Earth feeling the side-effects in the same way as does an overweight person whose "success" seems to be the cause of their forthcoming demise?

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