Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Queens and Divas

If I hear another regular woman fall for the foolishness of calling them self a Diva, I'm through.
I'm pretty sure that the term usually implies a certain level of accomplishment or skill.
I',m pretty sure Shanene', who answers phones at ATT, hardly qualifies as a Diva.
But the blog-world is filled with these women.
Q; In what field do do qualify as a Diva?
Q; Don't you really mean to use the term "Prima-Donna' instead?

The other overused (and undeserved) title is Queen.
Queen of what?
Besides Queen Latifa - who was the last self-aggrandizing woman to accomplish anything?
When did Shaniqua gain a kingdom?

Oprah isn't called "Queen Oprah".
Is Halle Berry ever given the title of "Diva"?
When one is actually good in something - no self aggrandizing title is required - there name is enough.

But maybe this has something to do with their (unrealized) childhood fantasies of being a princess.
Maybe their fathers told them (too many times) that they were somehow special.
While true from a father - this line of thinking doesn't translate to the bigger world.
Maybe this is why so many Black women seem confused in waiting for the perfect Prince Charming to come along and rescue them from their dull and dreary lives - while women who really keep it real are doing alright.

So what's my beef?
Only that your name and title are not "Queen This" or "Diva That" - even in the case of the Obamas, when you're qualified, just the name Michelle is enough.


  1. Diva really means arrogant Bitch! I think people ran with the title given to difficult black singers from the past. So now your favorite girl Monique ran with it and all these non accomplishment assholes of a woman feel they are somehow royal because of the puss they sit on.

    People who don't have any real accomplishment relish in title while those who really accomplish let what they build make you respect them!

  2. Shame on you Free Man! Diva means First Lady as does Prima Donna. Diva is used for a Lady Opera Singer who has achieved age, skill and rank. Prima Donna is used for the term Lead Lady Singer in Opera. The First (PRIMA DONNA) LADY. It is used incorrectly and has several negative connotations now. I was a music major.

    As far as Women calling themselves Queen I prefer this to something like Let a Bitch eat in the 1st and or 3rd person.

  3. To clarify Shame on you Free Man implying a Woman to be a Bitch. You better than that! I've read you! You better than that!

  4. @Mista Jaycee - First I didn't call all women Bitches so let's not get it confused. You may be right on it's origin but lets not twist that to mean how it is applied.

    In the past couple of years it was first describing difficult female singers. Then all the women jumped on it and started calling themselves Divas. So I know it comes from Italian meaning popular woman singer but c'mon keep it real.

    Just like Prima Donna could mean first lady but no one means it that way they are calling someone arrogant. And yes they are implying she is a bitch.

    So if someone came up to you and said my friend is a Diva or Prima Donna you telling me your mind says Ooohhh she's a singer or ooohhh she's a first lady. C"MON NOW LOL

    I'm not better than what I am. Sometimes I say what I am thinking but it doesn't mean I can't think in a host of other ways too on different subjects. Also please don't imply I am calling all women Bitches as it was tied into this post on this topic.

    But let's be real we all know the meaning of Bitch in the english dictionary but if I call a woman one she knows I am not calling her a female dog right? So how can Bitch not be read directly from the dictionary and Diva or Prima Donna is. C"MON!

  5. Blame it on Beyoncé and that song. Everybody wants to be a Diva now. Which is fine when it results in positive female empowerment. But, when these titles are used as a means to be mean, disrespectful or superior that's when I find it annoying. The only women that I could truly say are diva's are-as the other comments mentioned female opera singers (but I think even they have to be at a certain level), or like Aretha Franklin, Diana Ross, Etta James etc etc. women who have paved the way for other women. And earned it. They also carry themselves in a certain manner that commands respect from those around them. Then you have people like celebrity diva's that only drink certain kinds of water or the storm off sets showing their "divatude" which isn't divaesque at all just childish and immature. And another thing if you are fifteen and calling yourself a Diva, no your not, you're a brat there is a huge difference lol. Anyway, great post.
