Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Our Current School Daze Grade; "F"

The whole movie was a battle between the high yella' Wannabees and the darker nappy Jiggaboos - but two scenes can sum up the whole movie.
The scene in Kentucky Fried Chicken when the "militant" Dap is told by a drunk Sam Jackson and his crew "..You'll always be nigga's",
and the final scene extolling all of those fighting to "Wake Up!".
Really... is any of this shit working?
Or are we fighting to be in the starting five while the other team keeps scoring points?

Personally, I get a "D" for my efforts.
My intentions were misguided and my assumptions way off base.
The discussion shouldn't be over who is more down with the cause,
but who actually has proven and workable answers.
So far, only a few can claim to be working in that direction - everyone else is just talking shit.


  1. I don't know or see African Americans doing much for the AA community. I hear people mention starting a business but sometimes it seems those individuals just want to make money. Some of the businesses are not geared to support the black community. In my opinion we need to own natural resources, we need to own institutions (especially education institutions), we need to write our own curriculums, teach our children about business when they are young, teach them about the value of the dollar teach them about government and how to be respectful and responsible. This is just my opinion.

  2. I don't know or see African Americans doing much for the AA community. I hear people mention starting a business but sometimes it seems those individuals just want to make money. Some of the businesses are not geared to support the black community. In my opinion we need to own natural resources, we need to own institutions (especially education institutions), we need to write our own curriculums, teach our children about business when they are young, teach them about the value of the dollar teach them about government and how to be respectful and responsible. This is just my opinion.

  3. You wanna pick a fight with me UBJ? Huh I'm still chin checking cats for touching my shoulder after a game. LMBAO.

    C'mon man you get more than a D! You did it while others talk about it. You went out and tested your theory while others sit on high and say this should work.

    A blogger on the FMPress told me once if you try and fail some may get saved but if you fail to try none will make it.

    I think in your case you did what you thought would work. So what it wasn't a 100% success but now you can talk the talk because you walked the walk. Even I the great and powerful OZ stand in awe of your efforts.

    LOL everyone else is talking shit! I always say the least people can do is share how they got up but cats don't even want to do that. In our race we have a lot of talking heads that feel if we debate the problem enough we'll vet the solution sooner or later. It is so entrenched people are writing books and making money off of a unproven theory. Blogs are funny because we all get a audience but in the end we'll see what everyone builds!

    What is that saying Words without Deeds are fruitless?

  4. Oh yeah check your email I need your help with something!

  5. @ Anon - My family benefitted from the oil rights on the family farms. The money was used to send several generations to college or start businesses and land was set aside to build the local Black schoolhouse back in the 1920's.
    That's why I try to stress a sustainable wealth that benefits more than one generation.

    @ FreeMan - It's always a fight FreeMan. But in the end my views are better and my ideas more refined.

    I don't think I'll see a return on my investments for a good 10-20 years. That's when the kids That I've worked with be able to put any acquired knowledge or skills to the test. I've pretty much written off all of the adults.

    But I'd give myself a "D". I still pass the class but I just didn't seem to get everything quite right.
    (Who knows... maybe the kids will turn out alright.)

  6. "Are we fighting to be in the starting five"? Wow... Yes indeed. Instead of sending troops out to march we haven't even prepared a battle plan. The individuals that were suppose to give the marching orders fell down on the job. Now we are making things up as we go along. You get more than a D..your doing better than most. At least you know your limitations and can admit them. Some people can't even do that.
