Saturday, September 19, 2009

More Black Babies

If the country is 20% Latino/Hispanic, 20% Black, and 55% white - how do we make things equal?

Whites have immigrated freely from most of Europe for the past four hundred years.
Since there was a larger pool to start with - there are more whites in the country than any other group.
Hispanics just gotta' cross a desert or river to increase their numbers.
But what can Blacks do?

We could form stable families, communities and towns to cut down on the desire to have so many abortions.
We could all have kids with someone of a different race.
Seal has two or three kids with Heidi Klum - the result; two or three more Black babies and two or three less white.


  1. Yep...I did a post very similar to this a while ago. I say - live and let live and love who ever you love. Color should not be an issue.

  2. 1) Let the Haitians in like they let in Cubans
    2) Allow more Visas from African nations like they do for Chinese and Indian people
    3) Vigorously Encourage Black adoptions.
    4) Build a polygamist society?
    5) Turn all Blacks into Catholics and Muslims so contraceptives are not encouraged.
    6) Revert back to subsistence farming where every kid counts in the running of the family farm.

    Notice I didn't say education because educated people have like 1 kid!

  3. @ FreeMan - The Mormans did it in Utah for a while - maybe Blacks could form a polygamist society in Nevada.
    I already enjoy Vegas so the option of having more than one wife sounds appealing.

  4. I'm with Freeman on everything except for point #4. I imagine that it would be bad enough with just one wife. LOL

  5. We need to discipline our own kids before we have any more. These thundercats out here are wild. The last thing we need are more people that aren't going to be productive members of society.
